Denali Food Bank

Drop off Location:  Behind the FEDEX Customer Service Desk at Three Bears in Healy

The CARES grant from the Borough and the State and a Covid Relief Funds from the United Way of Tanana Valley have allowed Neighbor to Neighbor to purchase a Portable Garage from Alaska Better Built Company for long term cold/dry storage which was delivered in January of 2021, and we were able to purchase a commercial Freezer and Refrigerator in order to follow the guidelines to establish a permanent Food Bank in the Borough.  Long time Neighbor to Neighbor sponsors Mark Menke and Todd Shorey of DArlin Enterprises have worked with us to move and setup the former Pharmacy building in Healy just off the Parks Highway to have a heated building to house our operation. 

Throughout 2020 and 2021 Neighbor to Neighbor partnered with the Fairbanks Community Food Bank to deliver TEFAP (The Emergency Food Assistance Program) food boxes to Denali Borough residents once a month, we have had an equal response from the Cantwell, Healy, and Anderson areas.  In 2022 and 2023 we transitioned to our own local Food Box Program modeled off of the TEFAP program.

Please Contact Barb Walters at 907-978-1484 or email if you want to volunteer, or if you need to sign up for assistance from the Food Bank.

Be Prepared To Provide the Following information either written or verbal:

Name (First and Last):

Mailing Address: 

Phone Number: 

Email address: 

Physical Location and directions or specific info to help with delivery: 

Person authorized to pick up your food box: 

PIckup time and location:

How many in your family:

Ages of people receiving this box:

Any known allergies or dietary needs:

**All information will remain confidential **