About Us
What is Neighbor to Neighbor?
What is Neighbor to Neighbor?
Neighbor to Neighbor is a non-profit organization with the mission of helping our neighbors with food and other life sustaining supplies when needs arise. The focus of our efforts occurs during the holiday season to provide food boxes and gifts to all the families within the Denali Borough in need of assistance. We believe that no one should be hungry and no child should be without a gift on Christmas.
On average, Neighbor to Neighbor provides food boxes to more than 70 families and gifts to more than 60 children every year.
Want to know more or Volunteer?
Email us today DenaliNeighbors@gmail.com
Listen to Interview with board member Barb Walters on The Pulse weekly podcast!
Listen to Interview with board member Barb Walters on The Pulse weekly podcast!
↓ 14 minutes segment starts at 09:00 ↓
↓ 14 minutes segment starts at 09:00 ↓